Babysitting may be in our name, but we’re not just babysitters.
We’re thoughtful event planners. The guests at our parties may be a little smaller than those who typically attend a wedding or conference, but that doesn’t mean they’re any less important. Our spaces are designed to coordinate with the main event and are jam-packed with activities that will appeal to every child guest.
We’re compassionate, professional caregivers. Our intake forms go beyond basic safety information; we also want to know what your baby’s favorite toy is, or the special tune you hum to calm your kiddo down. Our staff is trained in first aid and CPR, but more importantly, every single sitter has a heart for children.
We’re safety-obsessed. We’re parents, too, and we know how worrying about your child can distract from prepping for your big keynote speech or enjoying your wedding reception. That’s why we have a thorough intake process and limit entry to parents only.
We’re Black-Tie Babysitting.
Black-Tie Babysitting provides luxury event childcare. Our services are perfect for weddings, conferences, seminars, expos, trade shows, galas, company parties and other events. We’re headquartered in North Texas surrounding the Dallas-Forth Worth metro area. Our second location serves the greater Washington, D.C. area, including Maryland and Virginia. We love working with all children, from newborns to age 11, including those with special needs.
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