SAMPLE: Officiant

Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas, TX 75219


M-Sa: 8-8

SAMPLE: Officiant Listing

We are sharing this sample details page as a way to help you visualize our design and point out the benefits of adding your business.

Many would agree that options available on wedding platforms over the last few decades have fallen short. For years we have pondered… Why isn’t there a simple directory for the wedding industry that is both informative and affordable to all?  A platform that concentrates all wedding services that couples would be interested in.

We built this website from an experienced vendor perspective, for both engaged couples and wedding professionals. Our intention is to simplify a couple’s search for their ideal wedding needs, as well as offer wedding businesses an affordable, easy to manage listing to showcase their services. We believe our platform is beneficial to the local community and all facets of the wedding industry.


Getting Acquainted With Our Site 

On our Home Page you will find a random selection of businesses throughout Texas.

The left sidebar contains Wedding Events; all upcoming Bridal Shows/Expos, Trunk Shows, Venue Open Houses, as well as Wedding Industry Mixers. Below this, you will find all Wedding Services listed by category.

Once a category in Wedding Services is selectedyou will find several filters on the left side of the page. You can search by region or county as well as several other filters which are specific to that vendor category. By checking multiple boxes in these filters, couples are able to narrow their search results to align with their specific needs by location, price, services offered, etc.

Pages where you find multiple listings, referred to as the grid – are set to display relevant information at a glance. Selecting a specific business will take you to their details page.


Details Page:

Your Business Name & Logo are displayed at the top of the page.

Your Contact Information is shown along with your Website / Social Media links and three Images.

In Listing Description – Here you will describe your business. Above your description you will find the following tabs:

Send to friend – Allows people to send your listing to a friend via email.

Send Inquiry – Allows couples interested in your business to connect directly with you via email.

Add to favorites – Couples seeking vendor options can click this tab to save your company’s info in their profile area, for later retrieval.

Print – Allows the ability to print this listing.


We offer our own Review system (stars and count). We are a new company which means a fresh start for everyone. Your reviews will show under your business name in the grid, as well at the top of your details page. The sooner you join, the sooner you can start building your Reviews.

Members are able to add, edit, or update their listing at any time. Additionally, Visitor Statistics can be viewed by day, month, or year from your dashboard.

The Live Google Map will help couples navigate to your business easily. Below the map, they will find more useful information about your company.

Everything listed in Additional Info is searchable onsite.

Our extensive search filters allow couples to quickly narrow down their options, which literally directs pre-filtered ‘Ideal Clients’ to your business, virtually eliminating unqualified leads. In Additional Info below, you will find ALL of the filters offered for this category.



We created TexasWedding.Directory with small business owners in mind.
A local online directory that is simple, fair, informative & affordable for all.

The wedding platform that offers you MORE and costs LESS!
Start your membership today and join our community of wedding professionals.



If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at:

Business Info

Celebrating Love... One Couple At A Time

Alexa Avery

Email,Phone,Text,Send Inquiry Form,USPS Mail,Video Chat,Website Form,Email Only,Phone Only,Text Only,Send Inquiry Form Only,Website Form Only


Capital,Central Texas,Coastal Bend,Gulf Coast,High Plains,Metroplex,Northwest Texas,San Antonio,Southeast Texas,South Texas Border,Upper East Texas,Upper Rio Grande,West Texas

Anderson,Andrews,Angelina,Aransas,Archer,Armstrong,Atascosa,Austin,Bailey,Bandera,Bastrop,Baylor,Bee,Bell,Bexar,Blanco,Borden,Bosque,Bowie,Brazoria,Brazos,Brewster,Briscoe,Brooks,Brown,Burleson,Burnet,Caldwell,Calhoun,Callahan,Cameron,Camp,Carson,Cass,Castro,Chambers,Cherokee,Childress,Clay,Cochran,Coke,Coleman,Collin,Collingsworth,Colorado,Comal,Comanche,Concho,Cooke,Coryell,Cottle,Crane,Crockett,Crosby,Culberson,Dallam,Dallas,Dawson,Deaf Smith,Delta,Denton,DeWitt,Dickens,Dimmit,Donley,Duval,Eastland,Ector,Edwards,Ellis,El Paso,Erath,Falls,Fannin,Fayette,Fisher,Floyd,Foard,Fort Bend,Franklin,Freestone,Frio,Gaines,Galveston,Garza,Gillespie,Glasscock,Goliad,Gonzales,Gray,Grayson,Gregg,Grimes,Guadalupe,Hale,Hall,Hamilton,Hansford,Hardeman,Hardin,Harris,Harrison,Hartley,Haskell,Hays,Hemphill,Henderson,Hidalgo,Hill,Hockley,Hood,Hopkins,Houston,Howard,Hudspeth,Hunt,Hutchinson,Irion,Jack,Jackson,Jasper,Jeff Davis,Jefferson,Jim Hogg,Jim Wells,Johnson,Jones,Karnes,Kaufman,Kendall,Kenedy,Kent,Kerr,Kimble,King,Kinney,Kleberg,Knox,Lamar,Lamb,Lampasas,La Salle,Lavaca,Lee,Leon,Liberty,Limestone,Lipscomb,Live Oak,LLano,Loving,Lubbock,Lynn,Madison,Marion,Martin,Mason,Matagorda,Maverick,McCulloch,McLennan,McMullen,Medina,Menard,Midland,Milam,Mills,Mitchell,Montague,Montgomery,Moore,Morris,Motley,Nacogdoches,Navarro,Newton,Nolan,Nueces,Ochiltree,Oldham,Orange,Palo Pinto,Panola,Parker,Parmer,Pecos,Polk,Potter,Presidio,Rains,Randall,Reagan,Real,Red River,Reeves,Refugio,Roberts,Robertson,Rockwall,Runnels,Rusk,Sabine,San Augustine,San Jacinto,San Patricio,San Saba,Schleicher,Scurry,Shackelford,Shelby,Sherman,Smith,Somervell,Starr,Stephens,Sterling,Stonewall,Sutton,Swisher,Tarrant,Taylor,Terrell,Terry,Throckmorton,Titus,Tom Green,Travis,Trinity,Tyler,Upshur,Upton,Uvalde,Val Verde,Van Zandt,Victoria,Walker,Waller,Ward,Washington,Webb,Wharton,Wheeler,Wichita,Wilbarger,Willacy,Williamson,Wilson,Winkler,Wise,Wood,Yoakum,Young,Zapata,Zavala

Ceremony,Destination,Elopements,Pre-Ceremony,Pre-Wedding Stages,Post Wedding

Coffee Shop,Co-Working Space,Hotel,Library,Museum,Our Office: By Appointment,Phone Consultation,Plaza,Restaurant,Video Consultation,Your Home,Your Office,Your Venue


Commercial Auto,General Liability,Workers’ Compensation

$2 Million

Additional Info

Ceremony Rehearsal,Civil Union,Commitment Ceremony,Custom Written Ceremony,Destination,Elopement,Fascilitate Marriage License,Get Married Today,Hawaiian Ceremony,Interfaith Ceremony,Legal License Signing,LGBTQ+,Military Ceremony,Non-Denominational,Non-Religious,Officiant-Bilingual,Officiant-Female,Officiant-Male,On-Site Chapel,Online Ceremony Streaming,Personalized Vows,Premarital Counseling,Standard-Traditional Ceremony,Themed Ceremony,Venue Guidance,Vow Renewal

Bell Ringing,Blowing Of The Pū,Bread Offering,Candle Lighting,Coin Exchange,Guard Of Honor,Hand Fasting,Hula,Jump The Broom,Lava Rock Ceremony,Lei Exchange,Log Cutting,Love Letter,Loving Cup,Oathing Stone,Oli Aloha Chant,Puzzle Assembling,Ring Blessing-Exchange,Ring Warming,Rope Warming,Rose Exchange,Salt Pouring,Sand Pouring,Sundial,Take Shots,Time Capsule,Tree Planting,Unity Cord and Veil,Vow Exchange,Wine Box

Agnostic,Anglican,Atheist,Baha’i Faith,Baptist,Buddhist,Caodaism,Catholic,Christian,Earth-Based,Episcopalian,Evangelical,Hindu,Islam,Jainism,Jehovah’s Witness,Judaism,Lutheran,Methodist,Mormon,Muslim,Non-Denominational,Orthodox Christian,Pagan,Presbyterian,Protestant,Puritan,Quaker,Rastafari,Shinto,Sikhism,Taoist,Tapu,Unitarian

Arabic,Armenian,Bengali,Burmese,Cantonese,Chinese,English,Filipino,French,German,Greek,Gujarati,Haitian Creole,Hawaiian,Hebrew,Hindi,Hmong,Indian,Italian,Japanese,Khmer,Korean,Mandarin,Navajo,Nepali,Persian,Polish,Portuguese,Punjabi,Russian,Serbo-Croatian,Somali,Spanish,Swahili,Tagalog,Tamil,Telugu,Thai,Twi,Ukrainian,Urdu,Vietnamese,Yiddish

Anniversaries,Baby Showers,Bar-Bat Mitzvahs,Celebrations Of Life,Charity Events,Church Services,Community Events,Funeral Services,Quinceañeras,Retirement Events

Visited 99 times, 1 Visits today

One Review

  1. Dave

    This company is Awesome! They were super helpful from the start. Alexa is very knowledgeable and great at what she does. We would definitely recommend her services to everyone.

    -Dave & Shannon

    March 7, 2024 at 12:24 pm Log in to reply.

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